Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Sea Safari

Date Idea: Sea Safari
Location: Sewells's Marina, 6409 Bay St. West Vancouver
Price: $177 for 2 people

This date idea was refered to me by my friend Jen. She has a food blog which you can visit at

The Sea Safari is a 2 hour educational excursion up the coastal waters of Howe Sound where a guide takes you to approximately 10-12 stops. At these stops, the guide explains things such as intertidal zones, habitats of the local marine life, and the landscape which has been drawn out by the waters.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Lingerie Football

Date Idea: Lingerie Football Game
Location: Abbotsford Entertainment Centre. 33800 King Road  Abbotsford
Price: Starts at $12 per person

This one could be hit or miss depending on your date as its target market is directed towards males. However, it could be fun an interesting to watch. This week's idea is a Lingerie Football game.

The Lingerie Football League recently expanded into Canada and this weekend is the season opener featuring our local team, the BC Angels.

The game is similar in set up as pick up game of football among friends and not so much as the big leagues as there are no blockers; just the quarterback and receivers for a total of 7 players on each team on the field at a time. The field is half the size of an NFL game being only 50 yards long and no field goals. Points are similar in that its 6 points for a touchdown, and the extra point after comes from a run or pass into the End Zone.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Pacific National Exhibition

Date Idea: Pacific National Exhibition
Location: 2901 East Hasting Street, Vancouver
Price: Adult fare gate is $20 each (save $5 online or at certain retailers)
More Info:

Going into its 102nd year, the fair at the PNE is one of Vancouver oldest running attractions running during the last 2 weeks of summer. This year, the fair runs from August 18th to September 3.

There are hundreds of performances and exhibits to see. You can see shows such as the Superdogs, Peking Acrobats, a night time Pyrotechnics show, and there are nightly concerts which often highlight some pretty famous names. Make sure to show up early though so you can plan your day accordingly. Some shows do fill up quickly. All of this is included with admission.

Where things can get interesting with the wallet can include the marketplace where you can often buy items that you see in the "As Seen on TV" commercials. As with any fair, there is also the food which can be a bit highly priced, along with the rides. A ride pass for the day will set you back around an extra $40, but be prepared for the line ups.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Cooking Class

Date Idea: Cooking Class
Location: Variou
Price: Starting a $49 per person depending on the school

One can either spend their money going out to a restaurant to have their meals, or you can make your meals from home. The problem with the latter is if you don't know how to cook, it can make for a bad experience...or sometimes a visit from the fire department. A solution? Cooking school!

There are several places in Vancouver where you and your date can sign up to take cooking classes. Often these classes are themed. So depending on when you take the class, you may learn to cook one genre of food on one day, and another genre on another. The price of the class not only teaches you how to make it, but includes the cost of the food for that class.

Make sure to register for your class early as space in these classes are limited and often sell out.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Stand Up Paddling Boarding

Date Idea: Stand Up Paddle Boarding
Location: Various (including Vancouver, Deep Cove, and Port Moody)
Price: Starting at a rate of $12.50-$20 for an hour rental

Vancouver is surrounded by waterways and gives great opportunities to spend time on the water. Especially when the sun decides to come out an play. So why not try out one of the fastest growing aquatic sports known as Stand Up Paddleboarding, also known as SUP.

Imagine standing on a surfboard but having a paddle to propel you along. That's actually how it got its origin from in Hawaii. However, unlike regular surfing, the wonderful thing about SUP is that it can be very easy to learn. Women have a tendency to be able to do this easier than guys since they have a lower center of gravity, but don't let it deter you. This is a sport that even celebrities are have known to get into.