Thursday, 11 October 2012

Fitness Competition

Date Idea: Pole Dancing Competition
Location: Edgewater Casino, 750 Pacific Blvd South, Vancouver
Price: $35-60 per person

This one can be hit or miss, depending on your date. But with more women wanting to try 'Pole Dancing' for fitness, this could be one of interest.

This Saturday, the Canadian Pole Fitness Association is hosting the Canadian Pole Fitness Championships. Notice how their emphasize the 'Pole Fitness' instead of 'Pole Dancing'. In fact, very few competitors ever did exotic dancing, and there is even a men's division too. The competition could be something fun to go watch, and when you're done, you're already at the casino and you can spend some time there.

Who knows, maybe the competition may spark some interest for your date and they may want to take lessons.