Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Outdoor Skating

Date Idea: Outdoor Skating at GE Plaza Ice Rink
Location: Robson Square, corner of Robson at Howe, Vancouver
Price: Free! ($3 if you rent skates)
More Info:

The weather outside is getting colder, which is great when it comes to outdoor skate rinks. The GE Plaza Ice Rink at Robson Square opens tomorrow for the season and is open until the end of February. Living in the Lower Mainland, we know about the wet weather that often plagues this area. However, even though the GE Plaza Ice Rink is outdoor, it is covered. So you can still go skating no matter what the weather is like. The best part about this is that you can go skating for free as long as you have your skates. The rental price for a pair of skates is only a few dollars. This is a low cost way to have fun with your date. You can either be their knight in shining armour as you help them skate, or your date can have a good laugh at your skating skills. The rink opens at 9am daily and closes at 9pm, except on Friday and Saturday night when it closes at 11pm.

With the arena's central location in downtown Vancouver, it is easily accessible by transit being only a block from the Granville and City Centre skytrain stations, or you can park underground next door at the Pacific Centre for a few dollars. Come early for a casual skate and you can walk a few blocks down the street and find several restaurants for dinner including some of the more well known restaurants such as Joey Burrard, Coast Seafood, Kobe Japanese Steakhouse, and Earls.

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